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 Créons des ponts entre_cc781905-5cde-3193-6bb3b-5bFrancophones

  grace  to art and culture.


At a time of globalization, where the fierce competition of the financial markets and the resulting inequalities produce retrenchment and the rise of nationalisms, the chance to have and share the slightest cultural and linguistic historical heritage as a guarantee of the adhesion of peoples beyond the physical and cultural borders is an invaluable opportunity that must be jealously guarded and enhanced. This is why culture and art are more than ever necessary for the development of man both in society and in the private sphere. Creating proximity between art, culture and man is the great challenge of our time. Reconciling creativity and living together is now everyone's dream.


Francophilie was born around my personal experience, as a young Cameroonian who settled in Montreal, Canada, a few years ago. This migration made me discover another dynamic behind the French language, the way in which each nation, each village, appropriated it, adapted it to its reality, preserved or modified certain elements of vocabulary._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


My knowledge of artistic and musical circles in Quebec, France, Africa and several other French-speaking countries has quietly led me to create exchange platforms between young French-speaking artists, thus allowing them to better equip themselves to understand and conquer through their works, the 284 million French speakers who make this language the fifth most spoken language in the world. 


Project summary

Productions Miss-Meuré's first project of musical and literary creation " Francophilie " to bring together young artists authors-composers-performers of urban or rural music of culture French speakers living in different regions of the world, in order to co-compose and co-write songs, taking into account the local specificities of their practice of the French language.


It seems relevant to me in the current global context where all the studies show that more than 85% of French speakers will live in Africa by 2050, to create links between the young people of these countries and the French speakers of the North._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The idea is therefore to pair young Quebec artists two by two with their French-speaking colleagues from other countries around a musical creation and dissemination project._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

The project will be carried out in three phases:


Phase 1:Creation of a documentary series 

This documentary will relate the meetings, travels, creation, exchanges, practices and recordings of the project. It will be broadcast on several French-speaking televisions.


Stage 2:Broadcast of the show resulting from the documentary

Inspired by the documentary, artists from the Francophilie project will take part in the show, which will be broadcast in several French-speaking cultural spaces.


Phase 3:Creation and distribution of an album inspired by the documentary. 

Inspiré du spectacle, un disque sera produit que nous diffuserons, fidèle au spectacle, aux échanges, aux meetings and the creation of the Francophilie project.

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